Missy Robertson: "Taking a Stand for Christianity in a Public Way"
In an interview with Fox News, Missy Robertson (wife of Jase) is asked what she has "come to learn about the audience that watches Duck Dynasty" following A&E's suspension of her father-in-law, Phil.
Missy replies:
Our fans are truly passionate! I can say personally that I am completely overwhelmed by the outspoken support of our family.
People have called to me from the open windows of their cars, across parking lots, in the grocery store, at the mall, just about everywhere I go in public.
They have gone out of their way to make a point in letting us know that they support our family 100 percent and appreciate our taking a stand for Christianity in a public way.
Missy's emphasis on standing for "Christianity in a public way" is quite to the point. For the Biblical worldview, properly understood, refuses to let itself shrink into a "private value system" or "belief system" (or "my truth" or "my values") but rather has always embraced the concept of publicly verifiable and publicly actionable information from the Creator.
"Christianity is not a series of truths in the plural, but rather truth spelled with a capital 'T,'" Francis Schaeffer stated in an address at the University of Notre Dame.
As such, said Schaeffer, what is affirmed is "truth about total reality, not just about religious things. Biblical Christianity is Truth concerning total reality -- and the intellectual holding of that total Truth and then living in the light of that Truth."
Thus the title of Nancy's book Total Truth: Liberating Christianity From Its Cultural Captivity.
In contrast to Schaeffer's affirmation, and to Missy's emphasis, we have the likes of "A&E and other secularists," who "seek to domesticate Biblical content from the Creator by redefining 'faith' as a 'personal matter' for so-called 'religious people'," as I noted in my most recent column.
"This effort reflects the modern reduction of 'faith' to a private 'belief system' or 'religious feeling' and is the product of anti-Christian secularism, not of a robust, pro-verification Christianity. Instead, the Biblical record concerns testable information regarding objective reality and is meant to be acted upon by free-thinking human beings across the whole of life, including public life."
What Missy states directly in this interview was also noted by Korie (wife of Duck Commander CEO Willie) when she said during a New Year's Eve interview on Fox, "At the end of the day we sit down and thank God for our blessings. . . . Hopefully we can spread that message. . . . As a country, if we can come back to that a little bit, maybe we’ll have a great 2014."
Yes, Christianity is so true to reality that its message can properly be applied to the country.
As I see it, the "Christian worldview is decidedly not 'religious' in the dumbed-down modern sense of the term but rather challenges people to 'test everything,' to evaluate truth-claims, and to think and see for themselves."
Control freaks are right to be wary: Knowing the truth can not only set you free, but it can liberate a nation as well.