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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Denzel Washington: The Bible Is the "Answer People Are Looking For"

By Rick Pearcey • April 15, 2015, 09:06 AM

Michael Chapman reports at CNSNews.com:

In explaining why the Bible is a best seller year after year, Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington said there is something "tugging" inside of us, "telling us to believe in something," which is God, and that the Bible provides the "answer people are looking for" even if they do not realize it at first.

To help see how what is given in the verifiable Biblical message provides the "answer people are looking for," readers may want to take a look at Nancy's new book, Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasksing Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes. There is more information at her new website, nancypearcey.com

Christmas Spirit in Space and Time

Monday, August 18, 2014

"Cultural Vandalism": Hotel Chain Removes Bibles From Rooms

By Rick Pearcey • August 18, 2014, 07:30 AM

At Fox News:

The decision by one of Britain’s largest hotel chains to remove Bibles from its rooms has sparked complaints from Christians.

Travelodge, which operates 500 hotels, says the Bibles were removed for "diversity reasons," citing the country’s increasing multicultural influences, the Daily Mail reported. The chain reportedly said that despite the recent uproar, the decision to remove the Bibles was made in 2007.


The company said in a statement that the move was designed so as “not to discriminate against any religion.” 


"The Church of England is not happy with the hotel’s policy," Fox News reports. "[It is] both tragic and bizarre that hotels would remove the word of God for the sake of ergonomic design, economic incentive or a spurious definition of the word 'diversity,'" Fox quotes the church as saying in a statement.

"Tim Stanley, a U.S. historian, makes the point that no one ever lodged a complaint to Travelodge about the hotel room Bibles, and," according to Fox, "says in an op-ed for the Telegraph, 'It’s an act of cultural vandalism upon a tradition that goes back 126 years'."

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

4 Elements of a "Merry Christmas!" The Revolt of Intelligence Against Religious & Secular Stereotypes

By Rick Pearcey • December 24, 2013, 12:35 PM

You might have heard: The revolutionary good news that landed ashore Planet Earth that first Christmas morn "confronts cults of faith, secularism, religion, and politics." I have written about that here. By way of introduction, consider these four passages to provide an overview of the "elements of a 'Merry Christmas!'":  

1. Good-Bye Stereotypes: "First, in contrast to pagan, religious, media, and secular stereotypes, Christmas is about real people living and working in a real world. The inaugurating events of Christmas occur in and around Bethlehem of Judea. They concern watchful shepherds, pregnant women, and surprised husbands. All are flesh-and-blood people. All are individuals who think, act, wonder, emote, and make choices in situations of life that are less than ideal. . . ."

2. Escape From "Warm Fuzzies": "But humans today are increasingly asked to live in a fragmented world of image, feeling, and PR. A candidate for president of the United States can tell Americans that Christmas is the season of miracles, but what about the rest of the year? Is God alive December 25, but dead by January 1, not able to survive the party? In contrast to warm fuzzies delivered by admakers, politicians, and ministry machines, the Christmas of history is about the objectivity and unity of truth in the midst of tremendous challenge. . . ."

3. Hemingway Avenue: "The third element of Luke 2:20 specifies that Christmas is about the visual and aural validation of answers from God. Rather than a religious truth or spiritual technique that escapes the world, Christmas lives down the street. It is alive to the real world and is one of those things that can be “heard and seen.” Hemingway, who grew to hate generalities but love discrete facts, could have given the manger scene an address in one of his novels. . . ."

4. Test Everything: "Christmas is about enfleshed truth that is accountable, a body of information and series of events that can be rationally considered, verified out in the external world, and discussed among regular people as facts of life. Among the facts are Bethlehem, Mary, Joseph, a baby, and a manger, none of which are feelings. The facts also include the angels and the veracity of what they said to human beings, for what the shepherds saw and heard in Bethlehem was 'as it had been told them,' the fourth element from Luke 2:20 under consideration here. . . ."

We thank you all, dear readers of The Pearcey Report, for visiting us throughout the year. To all of you and yours: Best wishes, thoughts, and prayers for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Update: Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?

By Rick Pearcey • April 23, 2013, 10:27 AM

In February 2012, Richard P. Belcher, Jr., professor of Old Testament studies at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC, offered a critical review of Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?, by C. John Collins of Covenant Theological Seminary.

In that review, Belcher said a "line in the sand must be drawn in the affirmations of the full historicity of Genesis 1-11 and the acceptance of how God created Adam and Eve in Genesis 2."

In his reply to Belcher, Collins wrote, "I would like for the person reading my book to come away thinking that the Bible writers all wanted us to believe that the human kind is actually one family, with one set of ancestors for us all. God acted specially (or 'supernaturally') to form our first parents, Adam and Eve. Our first ancestors, at the headwaters of the human race, brought sin and dysfunction into the world of human life."

In his reply Belcher discusses what he regards as the "main issues arising from the substance" of Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?, among them that Collins "is willing to accept the possibility that there were more human beings than just Adam and Eve at the beginning of mankind, who existed as a tribe, with Adam being the chieftain of the tribe (pp. 121, 125)."

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bible Verses Obama Seems to Have Missed

By Rick Pearcey • April 7, 2013, 03:13 PM

"Obama is undoubtedly fond of quoting Bible verses," W.A. Beatty writes, but "here are some verses he seems to have missed, or purposely ignored, since it would be difficult for him to twist them to suit his agenda."

Tyranny Watch: Obama's Abuse of Scripture 
Obama's "Red" Spiritual Advisor Jim Wallis vs. the Bible 
Betraying Christ: Obama Affirms Perverted Sex