Ben Johnson reports at
The nearly billion-dollar Christian charity World Vision has reversed its longstanding policy, announcing that it will begin hiring homosexuals in same-sex 'marriages' to work for their ministry. . . .
"World Vision maintains that their decision is based on unifying the church -- which I find offensive -- as if supporting sin and sinful behavior can unite the church," said Franklin Graham, the president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. . . .
Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association, said, "World Vision has abandoned the warning of Paul and compromised the integrity of a ministry financially supported by Christians who regard Scripture as the final authority on the issue."
"Christians who support World Vision should stop, as should all of the artists and authors who raise money for them," he emphasized. "There are many other organizations that sponsor children around the world who remain true to the Gospel."
"Stearns likened the divide between Christians to controversies over the proper baptismal method, saying eliminating this theological issue would help focus the organization's efforts to promote Christianity," LifeSiteNews reports.
"I know the Evil One would like nothing better than for World Vision to be hobbled and divided on this issue, so that we lose our focus on the Great Commandment and the Great Commission," Stearns is quoted as saying.
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler disagrees, calling Stearns' reasoning "pathetically inadequate," according to LifeSiteNews.
"It is ridiculous to argue that World Vision is not taking sides on the issue,” LifeSiteNews quotes Mohler as saying.
"Willingly recognizing same-sex marriage and validating openly homosexual employees in their homosexuality is a grave and tragic act that confirms sinners in their sin" and "will mislead the world about the reality of sin and the urgent need of salvation," LifeSiteNews also quotes Mohler as writing.
"Donor bases come and go. But the Gospel of Jesus Christ stands forever," said Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, according to LifeSiteNews.
One should point out that Jesus of Nazareth himself has spoken quite clearly on the subject of marriage, saying, for example, "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female . . . For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh" (Matthew 19:4-5).
I, for one, join with Jesus of Nazareth and with all others who revolt on behalf of intelligence against "marriage equality" or any other such phrase that fronts for counterfeits and masks societal barbarism.
On its website, World Vision has the tagline, "Building a better world for children."
How sweet, but ironic. How hopeful, but savage. And how loving, but false.
And how vain to do so in the name of Jesus. Not only is claiming Jesus for that which Jesus explicitly rejects a spiritual and strategic loser, it is a way of taking the Lord's name in vain.
In fact, because of its rejection of the Creator's verifiable information and wisdom concerning marriage, World Vision is now committed to making a worse world for children.
Water yes, marriage no.
That's not sweet. That's not hopeful. That's not loving.
If World Vision cannot be trusted to speak and practice truth regarding a phenomenon as foundational as marriage, which is so clearly emphasized in the data of Scripture, how in the world can the organization be trusted to speak and practice truth in other important but less foundational matters?
That's not relief, that's pain.
And if World Vision breaks faith with Jesus here, at such a foundational point, who is to say it will not break faith with Jesus elsewhere, when the board again is "overwhelmingly in favor" of such a regressive step?
This is not simply a matter of the blind leading the blind. It's the depleted disserving the starving.
It is vanity, incoherence, and worldliness, all in the name of ministry.
By its own choice, World Vision has exposed itself has having lost its vision. It has broken faith with Jesus, the verifiable Lord of history, the water of life.
A loss of funding may be the least of the organization's problems.
Here is contact information for World Vision:
World Vision, Inc.
34834 Weyerhaeuser Way South
Federal Way, WA 98001
The Revolt of Intelligence Against "Marriage Equality"
Francis Schaeffer -- "The Central Problem of Our Age"
Thanks for your conviction and for speaking it. Businesses and companies will have to learn the hard way that they cannot trample traditional mores, morals and family and expect no consequences of diminished business.
April 4, 2008 7:51:00 PM EDTWhat is next? A "Macgay" burger? I shudder to think how the rabid homosexual agenda will continue to influence week kneed MacDonald executives who fail to understand some basic fundamentals of the culture. As Ben Franklin once stated: "Experience keeps a dear school, but a fool will learn in no other."
Thanks for posting this info. It shocks the intellect to see such corporate behavior, but, then again, I'm not that surprised when postmodern minds (including the executive boards they occupy) act according to their nature. Corporations who misguidedly and even passionately support the gay agenda generally see such activity as being that of a "good citizen," which they then translate to being "good business." They refreshingly aid all mankind (pardon the sexism) in reaching the pluralistic shores of tolerance and equality.
April 4, 2008 11:06:00 PM EDTHowever, in God's economy, such reasoning is futile.
See you at Chick-Fil-A.
One small step for common decency.
April 4, 2008 11:59:00 PM EDTOne giant step for civilization.
The Big Mac's price
is not worth perversion.
Spread the word.
Mr. Pearcey:
April 5, 2008 1:18:00 AM EDTThank God: you and your son will be healthier for it. McDonald's isn't exactly what's best for our bodies. (I am speaking as a former addict; my dad took me there every Saturday as a child. It was a hard habit to break!)
Parents, keep an eye on those Happy Meals: The homosexual agenda targets the youngest, most impressionable ones first...
I am with you.
April 5, 2008 8:28:00 PM EDTGood for you. We decided to do the same. If McDonald's is going to support the homosexual agenda, they aren't going to do so with our money.
April 7, 2008 10:31:00 AM EDTIt always amazes me when corporations try to control and influence society like this. It didn't work out too well for Ford and it won't work out for McDonald's.
April 7, 2008 10:31:00 AM EDTWhat would Roy Kroc, founder, think?
April 7, 2008 4:19:00 PM EDTdig deep enough, and i think you're going to be growing all your own food and avoiding all packaged goods.
April 7, 2008 11:21:00 PM EDTsuch is life under capitalism, the profit motive by definition is amoral. my guess is that mcdonald's probably is looking more at numbers than making a dramatic social statement...
i love chick fil a
April 8, 2008 4:22:00 AM EDTAhem!
October 11, 2008 8:45:00 PM EDTIt's not just Mcdonalds.
I was very concerned when I heard that Google was contributing large sums of money to the homosexual marriage agenda.
I applauded Google on their stance over China. I left Yahoo because of their lack of concern for Chinese freedom on the internet. I love Gmail and have a blog on Blogger. :-(
I remember a time quite a few years ago when I had to go without buying onions for a few weeks because the only ones in the shops near me were from South Africa or Chile.
I stopped buying McDonalds a few years ago when I learned they buy up the diseased animals left at the end of trading at the markets and put MSG in their food. (MSG is an excitotoxin which kills brain cells and is an addictive substance.) - Chick-Fil-A also use MSG. They have to otherwise the caged bird-flesh they use would be tasteless.