Democrat Stacey Abrams: Banning Guns Like Banning Radar Detectors
A.W.R. Hawkins writes at Breitbart:
During Monday morning interview on CNN, Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams made clear she does not see any difference between banning guns and banning radar detectors.
Her appearance gave the host time to reference Abrams' Sunday comments, wherein she said that Georgians may have to “turn their guns in” under her gun control plans.
The host asked if she was really going to take away people's guns, and Abrams responded by comparing bans on radar detectors with bans on commonly owned semiautomatic firearms.
"I support a law that will ban 'assault weapons'," Abrams is quoted as saying. "And just as when we banned radar detection, for example, some people turned in their devices, some people kept them and just refused to use them anymore."
According to Hawkins, "after mentioning that people were able to keep their radar detectors but were banned from using them," Democrat Abrams "then pointed out that the case could be different with weapons, saying, 'Weapons are more dangerous, they are more vulnerable to misuse'."
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