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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

MALE "Transgen" Teens Beat GIRLS Top Track Competition, Prompting Parent Petitions

By Rick Pearcey • June 19, 2018, 01:55 PM

Craig Bannister reports at CNSNews.com:

Parents have launched two rule change petitions after two transgender high school students swept the Connecticut girls’ state track and field competitions.

As local station WTNH News 8 reports, sophomores Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood --  both of whom were born males, but now identify as females -- outcompeted genetic female athletes, which some female athletes and their parents say is unfair.

Memo to all concerned: Boys will be boys, and girls with be girls -- no matter how much sex-ed/transgen ideology authoritarian schools pour into students and parents skulls, and no matter how many drugs are prescribed and how many slice and dice surgeons make millions trying to "fix" the given, biological, factual, scientific natural order -- which just happens to relish male-female sexual diversity.

Read more.