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Friday, May 25, 2018

Soros-Linked Group: Trump Is "Racist" for Calling Vicious MS-13 Gang "Animals"

By Rick Pearcey • May 25, 2018, 02:57 PM

John Binder reports at Breitbart:

The left wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) -- linked to globalist billionaire George Soros -- says President Trump is "racist" and "dehumanizing" MS-13 gang members when he describes them as "animals."

In a tweet, for example, the SPLC states: "It is unacceptable for such racist, dehumanizing language to now be repeated 10 times on the White House website in a document that speaks for America."

This attack is pathetic and revealing, folks. And if you insist, I'll explain why.

In certain contexts, the word "animals" is one way, among other acceptable ways, to describe humans who -- as if animals -- tear other humans to shreds (the way animals do to other animals -- "nature, red in tooth and claw" comes to mind).

Among humans, to "tear to shreds" can mean to emotionally and physically rip asunder. Or in the poetry of the street, to fulfill the vicious MS-13 gang motto -- which translates: "Kill, Rape, Control." 

So wild man Trump is accurate in his civilized use of "animals." And poor old SPLC is either very stupid, very fanatical, or extremely dishonest. I suppose these three options need not be mutually exclusive.

Even more, poor ol' SPLC is out of touch. Not just out of touch with the English language, but also out of touch with the American people -- as is indicated in the news today by this: "Harvard/Harris Poll: Majority Agree MS-13 Are Animals."

You could say SPLC, in its effort to unfairly and unjustly tear Trump to shreds, is itself animalistic. At this point, SPLC could embrace its animal identity and affirm going full hyena at the moon.

Or repent. Repent of the false charge of racism, of the phony accusation of "dehumanizing," and of your own devil-awful misuse of the English language to, as it were, "Kill, Rape, Control."