Pelosi Echoes Dishonest "News" That Trump Called Illegal Immigrants "Animals"
Andrew Kugle reports at FreeBeacon:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) on Thursday denounced Donald Trump for calling illegal immigrants "animals," without clarifying that the president was only referring to members of the transnational drug gang MS-13. [emphasis added]
"When the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, 'These aren't people; these are animals,' you have to wonder: does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?" Pelosi said at her weekly press conference.
Trump's remark came in response to a comment from Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims about MS-13.
He said the following: "We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in. We're stopping a lot of them, but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals, and we're taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that's never happened before."
"Numerous media outlets falsely reported that Trump was referring to all migrants coming into the United States," Kugle writes.
"The New York Times characterized Trump's remarks as him having 'lashed out at undocumented immigrants during a White House meeting,' tweeting out the text of his remarks without the previous MS-13 statement for context," Kugle reports.
Here is video of the give and take between Sheriff Mims and President Trump.
Speaking of animals, it may be that our pet cats and dogs can do a more honest job of reporting than some of the animals that soil the formerly mainstream media.