UTexas Students Launching "No Whites Allowed" Magazine
"A group of students at the University of Texas, San Antonio, plans to start publishing a No Whites Allowed (NWA) magazine," Mitchell Gunter reports at Campus Reform.
"White people are welcome to attend the launch party Thursday night, but while their support is 'appreciated,' the founders insist that 'it's a zine for QPOC and by QPOC [queer persons of color]'," according to Campus Reform.
Well, bless their little racist hearts. That's mighty "white" of them magazine starters, welcoming students who fail the QPOC color test and all. Will them white peeples hav to go out back to drink some water?
So what we have is a two-fer: Good old Racism (whites not allowed) and updated but still plain old-fashioned deviancy (queer persons).
Have you noticed how you can narrative this jive and cover a whole lotta sins by calling perversity diversity? Even more trans-rational magic drops when you hit a few licks about how this stuff boils down to "social constructs."
Smack in some "liberation" crack and, man, you've got yourself a cult that can go on forever and ever. Well, until you step outside and gravity hits. Confirming what all cultists know: "Facts are evil."
So if you want to embrace new and regressive forms of inhumane extremism beyond the KKK, the BBB (BlackBlackBlack) and the QQQ (QueerQueerQueer), certain students at the University of Texas at San Antonio may be just the folks for you.
Now there's no reason to get upset about this. It's just a little bit of cancer, and doctors are always saying that a little bit of cancer is no big deal.