Professorette's Twitter Tirade: Pro-Life Women Should "Sit Down and Shut Up"
Caleb Parke reports at Fox News:
A New York City college professor said she supports women marching -- unless they're against abortion.
New School professor Jennifer Begeal tweeted Friday that pro-life students and activists participating in the March for Life in Washington, D.C., should "sit down and shut up."
Begeal, who teaches digital storytelling at The New School, took to social media Friday to lambaste the anti-abortion marchers for not supporting myriad liberal causes, Campus Reform reported.
"If you support #MarchforLife but don't support a woman's right to choose, please sit down and shut up," Begeal wrote in one of the 17 posts she fired off during a three-hour tirade.
She told marchers to "sit down and shut up" if they don't support climate change, legalizing marijuana or gun control -- among other things.
The not-so-tolerant professor also had kind words for men: "'If you support #MarchforLife but you aren't a woman, please sit down and shut the f*** up,' she wrote," according to Fox.
Fox took the opportunity to grab a 10-foot pole and reach out to the college and Mzz. Begeal for comment. But the "New School and Begeal did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment," Parke reports.
Read the entire report here.