Denzel Washington on Prison-Industrial Complex: "It Starts at Home -- I Can't Blame the System"
Michael W. Chapman reports at
Commenting on his new movie about a defense attorney whose ideals are tested at a new law firm, Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington said the film did not change his views about justice in America, and when it comes to the so-called prison-industrial complex, he said the real factor is home life and two parents -- "It starts at home" and it "starts with how you raise your children."
In a Nov. 23 interview with the N.Y. Daily News, when asked about the justice system and prison, Washington said, "It starts at home. It starts at home."
"If a young man doesn't have a father figure, he'll go find a father figure," Washington said, accoridng to CNSNews.
"So, you know, I can't blame the system," Washington said. "It's unfortunate that we make such easy work for them."
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Denzel Washington on Fake News: If You Read the Newspaper, "You're Misinformed"