Actor Tells Rep. Ryan: "If Prayers Did Anything," Texas Victims "Would Still Be Alive, You Worthless Sack of Sh--"
That's right. Tolerant, civil, welcoming Hollywood strikes again. See the story at
By the way, actor Wil Wheaton, who speaks so eloquently of Rep. Ryan, is an atheist (according to the extremist, non-free-thinking, constitutionally confused group aka the Freedom From Religion Foundation).
If Wil Wheaton is an atheist, his is a false consciousness reportedly shared with Texas church massacre killer Devin Patrick Kelley.
Speaking of prayer, note that the Bible nowhere indicates that prayer is a substitute for human action per se. Nor is it a magic wand that creates safety upon command.
In fact, prayer is one form of human action (communicating with the Creator), and there many other forms of human action -- including picking up a gun to defend oneself against mass killers who preach and practice atheism.
In addition, the information given in the Biblical data is that life on this planet is now fallen and broken, such that it is a war zone, a battlefield, where evil is real and operative in all aspects of life -- and yet abnormal to the way things ought to be.
This is why it makes sense to overcome the abnormality of evil with the primordial normativity of good.
This includes the good of living in loving, liberating community with our verifiable Creator and with our neighbors -- in no way to be confused with blind "faith" -- and it includes the good of resisting with appropriate force those who seek to destroy that community.
The last thing a murdering human-hater and God-hater wants to see is a good guy with a prayer and a gun.