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Monday, October 16, 2017

Tomi Lahren: Hillary Outraged Over Harvey Weinstein's Behavior? She's "Still Married to Bill"

By Rick Pearcey • October 16, 2017, 02:53 PM

Michael Chapman reports at CNSNews.com:

Long-time women's rights activist and politician Hillary Clinton said she viewed the sexual harassment and rape allegations against her friend and financial backer Harvey Weinstein "intolerable in every way," a view that conservative commentator Tomi Lahren found ironic and comical given that Hillary is "still married" to Bill Clinton, who also has a string of sexual harassment claims and a rape allegation against him. [emphasis added]

On Fox's Watters' World, Oct. 15, host Jesse Watters mentioned that Hillary Clinton said she "was just sick" and "appalled" about the allegations against Weinstein, but when asked if she would return donations to her from the Hollywood mogul, Clinton had claimed, "well, there's no one to give it back to."

Watters said, "What do you mean there’s no one to give it back to? You just write 'Harvey Weinstein' on a check and send it back to Hollywood, right, Tomi?"

According to Chapman, commentator Tom Lahren of the Fox News Channel, replied, "Oh, we know that Hillary struggled with some of these things especially when she's put in that position. But the funniest thing about her comment there is she finds this intolerable."

"Um, you're still married to Bill," Lahren is quoted as saying. "Apparently you don't find these things that intolerable." 

"Over the last three decades there have numerous allegations of sexual harassment and at least one allegation of rape against Bill Clinton," Chapman reports.

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