K-12 Fanatics Factories: Minnesota Is Ground Zero in Left's Efforts to Brainwash Young People
Matthew Vadum writes at Frontpagemag.com:
In places like Edina, Minnesota, the Left has transformed K-12 schools into indoctrination factories whose overarching purpose is to train students to be reflexively racist and anti-American.
Educators in Edina, a wealthy Minneapolis suburb, don't even try to conceal their sinister goals.
Elementary school students there are subjected to an A-B-C book titled A is for Activist. Among the alphabetized propaganda points are these gems:
"A is for Activist. Are you an Activist?"
"C is for . . . Creative Counter to Corporate vultures."
"F is for Feminist."
"T is for Trans."
"X is for Malcolm as in Malcolm X."
"When Donald Trump won the election last November, anarchy and partisan bullying paralyzed the high school," Vadum explains.
"I felt like the school was descending into mass hysteria," Vadum quotes a student as saying the "day after the election. Another said Trump's victory was treated as 'the end of the world as we know it'."
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