Trump Budget Deal With Democrats Will Worsen U.S. Fiscal Environment
From Justin Bogie at
Late Wednesday night, the Senate released the text of legislation that would provide disaster relief funding and other federal aid for Hurricane Harvey and other 2017 disasters, suspend the debt limit, and extend the National Flood Insurance Program and government funding into December.
The latest budget deal forged by President Donald Trump and key Senate Democrats is a failure on numerous levels.
It takes advantage of a natural disaster to increase domestic spending and the federal debt limit -- both of which are unrelated issues. [emphasis added]
It also fails to prioritize national defense spending and continues to spend money on inefficient and outdated domestic programs.
Congress should reject this deal and go back to the drawing board.
Bogie concludes: "Congress and the administration are using the victims of a disaster to push their own agenda through -- once again avoiding the serious and necessary discussions over bloated federal spending and the unsustainable national debt."
Read the entire column here.