Study: Drinking Coffee May Reduce Your Risk of Dying by 64%
Yes, coffee lovers, Friday just got happier: Here at LifeZette is "plenty of confirmation your morning concoction supports good nutrition and offers numerous health benefits."
For example, as the column from Manny Alvarez, M.D., reports: A "study by Spanish researchers from the Hospital de Navarra in Pamplona, Spain," found that "drinking coffee may reduce a person’s risk of death by 64 percent. Even those over the age of 45 could lower their risk of death by 30 percent with 2 extra cups per day."
Slackers beware -- A single cup will not do. According to LifeZette, the "magic number of cups for the healthiest individuals was not one, but four cups each day."
Yep. It's a tough job. But somebody's got to drink it.
To read more about the health benefits of coffee, go here.