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Monday, September 25, 2017

Bannon to Conservatives: Job No. 1 Is Beat the "Corrupt" GOP Establishment

By Rick Pearcey • September 25, 2017, 10:05 AM

AP reports:

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon told conservatives Sunday at a rally that they needn't worry about Democrats but instead should focus on the "corrupt and incompetent Republican establishment."

Bannon spoke to about 400 people at a St. Louis hotel during the rally hosted by Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, a spinoff of the conservative think tank Eagle Forum that Schlafly founded and led until her death last year at age 92.

During a three-minute speech, Bannon said he left the White House because Trump "needed a wingman to go against the Republican establishment."

"It's not the Democrats, we'll get to them and we'll beat them, like we beat Hillary Clinton," AP quotes Bannon as saying.

"But the first thing you've got to get through is a corrupt and incompetent Republican establishment,” Bannon told what AP reports as a cheering crowd.

These establishment Republicans, Bannon said, are not "conservatives. They're liberals, and that is why we've got to fight every day."

"Despite his continuing support for the president, Bannon is heading to Alabama to campaign against the Trump-backed candidate [Luther Strange] in that state's Republican Senate primary," AP states.

In fact, Bannon is set to speak this evening "at a rally for former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, ahead of the Tuesday runoff."

Bannon reportedly said the GOP establishment has practiced a "politics of personal destruction" against Roy Moore.

"They're out to destroy him. Do you know why? Because they cannot take the righteousness the people like Judge Moore represent," Bannon said, according to AP.