Welcome to College, Comrade: Now Confront Racism and Privilege
Nathan Rubbelke reports at The College Fix:
Before the fall semester even kicked off at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, incoming freshmen were asked to ponder race and privilege -- and what they could do about it.
On Friday, the public university's freshmen orientation included a program called "First Class" that focused on the school's common reading program selection "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Right-leaning scholars have described the book as positing that "America is not a nice place for black people to live," and say it presents a "belief that white hatred of blacks pervades every aspect of American society, and nothing short of a revolution will end it. . . ."
Utter nonsense, of course. But it bespeaks an efficient training ground for leftwing fanatics and their shock troops to follow their leaders into a brave new Soros-funded, federally mandated future.
This anti-educational approach has already worked wonders in revolutionary Germany, the revolutionary USSR, and revolutionary Cambodia, so why shouldn't it work wonders here as well, in the increasingly less free USA?
Things are off to a good start. Already mobilized is the racism of Black Lives Matter and the fascism of Antifa. Yes, the "nothing short of a revolution" is well on its way -- but this means more fanatics will be needed to man the barricades, woman the social media outposts, and transgender the campus guillotines.
This is where little Johnnie and little Susie can grow up and help "change" the world. Isn't culturally appropriating America's children into ideological indoctrination centers otherwise advertised as colleges and universities a hoot? And what an amazing privilege!
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