The Haters: Black Rep. John Lewis Is an Iconic Racist
M. Catherine Evans writes at American Thinker:
Lewis' public and racist swipe at President-Elect Donald Trump this past Sunday isn't the first time he's tried to delegitimize the opposition. Lewis falsely accused Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin of "sowing seeds of hatred and division" at their rallies in 2008, even invoking the name of George Wallace to shore up his attack.
In 2010 he ratcheted up the hatred by alleging Tea Party protesters shouted racial epithets and spat on him during an anti-Obamacare rally. The late Andrew Breitbart offered to pay $100,000 to anyone with proof the racial incidents occurred. At a time and place where nearly everyone had a phone in their hands (I was there) not one video surfaced of Lewis' spit-riddled face.
Read the entire column.