Coulter: How the Establishment Will Try to Destroy Trump
Coulter writes in her latest column:
Shortly before Thanksgiving, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni wrote a column that should chill you to the bone.
Titled "Donald Trump's Demand for Love," Bruni said: "I had just shaken the president-elect's normal-size hand and he was moving on to the next person when he wheeled around, took a half step back, touched my arm and looked me in the eye anew. 'I'm going to get you to write some good stuff about me,' Donald Trump said."
Bruni is a fabulous writer, but if he ever writes good stuff about you, Mr. President-elect, YOU WILL HAVE FAILED. . . .
The Times is in total opposition to Trump's stated goal to make America great again. Trump has got to know -- not next year, but by 5 p.m. today -- that anyone pursuing his agenda will incite rage, insanity and spitting blood from that newspaper.
There's a long and tragic history of Republicans who won the war but lost the peace by trading results for respectability.
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