Shock! TSA Inspects Pastor's Bible -- And What Voter Wisdom Requires November 8
Todd Starnes writes:
The pastor of a Texas megachurch said he was stunned when a government agent stopped him at a TSA checkpoint so his Bible could be inspected.
"I couldn't believe it. I literally couldn't believe it," said Gene Lingerfelt, the pastor of Faith Christian Center in Arlington, Texas.
Situational awareness requires that no one in America today should be stunned that government officials are targeting the Bible and Christians for "special treatment."
Situational awareness also requires realizing that this is the kind of "America" we will get a millionfold if people vote unwisely this presidential election and Hillary Clinton ends up occupying the White House.
You may have noticed in the news lately (for a couple of decades), that there is an extremist, fanatical secularism quite at home in the corridors of power -- from the hollowed halls of Congress (yes, I mean hollowed) to the personally invasive TSA lines at American airports and to so many strategic sectors in American society (Hollywood, the media, academia, the corporate world, and so on).
And if you notice how these folks respond to honest questions, you realize that this secularism is rather cultist -- that is, it operates like the worst kind of anti-intellectual, authoritarian dogma set-up that thinking people and the Biblical information so properly reject.
At the top of the observable political heap of committed secularists stand the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton -- people who are ideologically and politically committed to removing emancipatory Judeo-Christian thoughtforms and social norms from every single strategic sector of American life. These people understand what is at stake, and they move to defend and expand their oppressive vision by all means possible.
Clinton, Obama, and their multitudes of organized, billionaire-funded followers will push and grab and inspect and take for themselves whatever it is we will allow them to take. They will grab your Bible just as they already are grabbing your money, your land, your children, your words, your conversations, your sermons, and your jobs.
In this comprehensive, visionary, principial, and strategic assault, if it's yours, they want it, they claim it, they take it. All must be inspected and watched and measured to ensure compliance with the endless commandments and regulations emanating outwardly from that monopoly of power concentrated in Washington, D.C.
They will exercise this oppression and inhumanity in the name of various secular mythologies advanced by soothing fables for the weak, such as "church-state separation," the "right to choose," and "you hurt my feelings." Media and other secularist operatives will do so as well, in the name of blind, vengeful self-righteous obedience to the humanity-denying gods and goddesses of almighty Diversity, totalitarian Tolerance, and authoritarian Equality.
And as we approach November 8, this also needs to be said:
What we see today is nothing -- absolutely qualitatively nothing -- compared to what we may see if Hillary Clinton occupies the Oval Office.
For Mrs. Clinton and her army of allies have been committed for decades to advancing their vision -- which is so totally out of and alien to the American mainstream -- and she will enforce that alien vision with as much power as post-Constitutional political calculations will allow. For many people -- for our friends, our neighbors, our families -- the resulting pain will be incalculable.
And if previous performance is a reliable guide, we can expect a President Hillary Clinton to strike against those who would defy her will and who have dared speak fact and wisdom to politically correct mythologies and their destructive impact upon everyday Americans.
It is important to realize that her extremist gods and goddesses of secularism demand obedience. They require, as deity substitutes, that all resistance be crushed, destroyed, if not driven out of the land -- first out of the public spaces, and then driven out to the ends of the earth. The U.N. and massive trade deals would be apt vehicles for that.
Thus far Hillary Clinton has been more than willing -- as a matter of fidelity to her idolatrous political ethos -- to sacrifice marriage, morality, freedom, science, and humanness on her journey to self-fulfillment, to secure her rightful place in history, to hold power above all power, and to stay out of jail. And to be the first "woman" president in a gender-identity world where "woman" no longer means anything in relation to objective reality.
It seems to me, therefore, that no thinking or compassionate person would knowingly cast a November 8 vote whose real-world result enlarges the possibility of a Hillary Clinton occupying the White House.
For if that eventuality comes to be, I say again, what we see today is nothing -- absolutely qualitatively nothing -- compared to what we may very well see if Hillary Clinton takes the White House.
If you think that suggests "vote Trump," I agree.
Trump is flawed, and that is not to be dismissed. It is not to be minimized. We must also not dismiss or minimize that he shows no track record of being someone who wakes up each morning thinking about how he's going to attack the foundations of the American republic.
In qualitative contrast, such a destructive commitment is required by Hillary Clinton's extremist secularist vision and politics. On the basis of that vision, a very ugly result out into our society is primarily a matter of her actualizing what are the practical real-world outworkings of the inner secular, post-Constitutional principles to which she is committed.
In the news virtually daily, we see that Hillary Clinton's biography includes a public, governmental record of advancing herself and her politics on the basis of her flaws, including gross criminality while holding high public office.
Perhaps most concerning of all for caring people, America as America simply cannot exist to the degree that someone like Hillary Clinton occupies the White House and is allowed to systematically inject her extremist and alien ideological secularism into the foundations of the American body politic.
Without those solid foundations, it is naive to think America as America can withstand the pressures of external or internal attack. A land once committed to human freedom and dignity in community with God and neighbor (see the Declaration of Independence) will be all too easily tossed by barbarians upon the ash heap of history.
As surely as day is eclipsed by night, to vote in a way that enables Hillary Clinton to land in the office of the presidency is to court profound disaster, beginning the very day the final election returns come in.
By contrast, to vote Trump is to give ourselves, our friends, families, communities, and nation a new day to struggle forward on behalf of human freedom and human dignity.
I say, "vote Trump" not because Trump is the answer -- he's good on some issues, not good on others -- but because the enduring American mainstream points the way (again, see the Declaration of Independence) and the defeat of Clinton buys strategic time to prepare for strategic victory.
Giving a humane American resistance time and space to organize, resist, and overcome is a morally good outcome. Voting against Clinton, against that which principially assures utter defeat if not effectively countered -- in this election and beyond -- is a morally good means to accomplish that morally good outcome.