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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Michelle Malkin: Cruel Castro's Death Exposes Canada's Trudeau as "Baby-Faced Commie Apologist"

By Rick Pearcey • November 30, 2016, 11:00 AM

Mild-mannered Michelle Malkin writes:

For more than a year, the liberal Canadian prime minister enjoyed drool-stained global press coverage as the "hot hipster" and "dreamy sex symbol" with great hair and a tribal Haida tattoo. He basked in Ryan Gosling-esque memes about his commitment to feminism and touched off "Trudeau-mania" with a series of shirtless selfies and photobombs.

But this weekend, the sane world saw the baby-faced Commie apologist for the naked twit he truly is.

 What happened? This, says Malkin:

Mourning the death of repressive dictator Fidel Castro, Trudeau hailed his longtime family friend as a "larger than life leader" who "served his people for almost half a century."

Actually, El Comandante ruled with an iron fist and firing squads -- serving himself to all of the island's land, private businesses and media, along with his own private yacht, private island, 20 homes, fleet of Mercedes limos and bevy of mistresses.

"Trudeau's ridiculous mash note to the 'legendary revolutionary and orator' caused the social media backlash of the year," Malkin continues. "The hashtag #TrudeauEulogies erupted to mock Trudeau's soft-soaping of tyranny."

 Twitterlutionary blowblack included tweets like these, as Malkin writes:

"As we mourn Emperor Caligula, let us always remember his steadfast devotion to Senate reform" one Twitter user jibed in Trudeau-speak.

"Although flawed Hitler was a vegetarian who loved animals, was a contributor to the arts & proud advocate for Germany," another joked.

"Kim Jong Il will always be remembered fondly for his leadership and contributions on climate change," another chimed in.

"Stung, the Canadian tundra hunk's office announced Monday that he will not attend services for his beloved Uncle Fidel, who had served as a pallbearer at his former Canadian PM father's funeral," Malkin notes. "But if Trudeau thinks the damage to his celebrity brand is temporary, he has another thing coming."

Read the Malkin column here.

Gloria Estefan on Castro: "Indiscriminate Jailing of Innocents . . . State Sanctioned Terrorism" 
El Executioner:
Fidel Castro Was No Man of the People, Especially the 141,000 He Killed -- Video



Trudeau's ridiculous mash note to the "legendary revolutionary and orator" caused the social media backlash of the year. The hashtag #TrudeauEulogies erupted to mock Trudeau's soft-soaping of tyranny.

"As we mourn Emperor Caligula, let us always remember his steadfast devotion to Senate reform," one Twitter user jibed in Trudeau-speak. "Although flawed Hitler was a vegetarian who loved animals, was a contributor to the arts & proud advocate for Germany," another joked. "Kim Jong Il will always be remembered fondly for his leadership and contributions on climate change," another chimed in.

Stung, the Canadian tundra hunk's office announced Monday that he will not attend services for his beloved Uncle Fidel, who had served as a pallbearer at his former Canadian PM father's funeral. But if Trudeau thinks the damage to his celebrity brand is temporary, he has another think coming.

- See more at: https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/11/justin-trudeau-baby-faced-commie-apologist-unmasked#sthash.kgOruX0L.dpuf