Where Clinton and Trump Stand -- on Every Major Issue
John Perazzo writes at Frontpagemag.com:
In poll after poll, a majority of American voters have reported that they hold an "unfavorable" opinion of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Nevertheless, there are enormous differences in the policy positions which these two candidates embrace.
Following is a comprehensive overview of exactly what their positions and agendas are, with regard to the major issues confronting the United States.
In some instances, background information is provided in italicized print, so as to place the candidates' positions in proper context.
Go here to see the candidates' positions on the following:
Syrian refugees; immigration, amnesty, and borders; sanctuary cities; 2nd Amendment; Obamacare; healthcare and illegal aliens; ISIS and terrorism; the Supreme Court; voter ID laws; early voting and voter registration; felon voting rights; taxes; death tax and corporate tax; minimum wage; Clinton and the 2008 financial crisis; Social Security; infrastructure spending; school-to-prison; school vouchers; preschool for all; "free" college; partial-birth abortion; taxypayer funding for abortion; reforming criminal justice; releasing "non-violent" offenders; voting rights; climate change; climate change and solar panels; fracking; and gender "pay gap."
Not included in the above is the difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump regarding that species of human freedom specified as "religious freedom." On this, please see, "Hillary Clinton Is No Champion of Religious Freedom: It's Laughable That She Pretends to Be Otherwise. And here, Trump supports Sen. Mike Lee's "Bill to Protect Religious Liberty."