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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Trump Meets With More Than 1,000 Evangelical, Pro-Life Leaders

By Rick Pearcey • June 23, 2016, 07:35 AM

Lisa Bourne reports at LifeSiteNews:

Over 1000 evangelical, pro-life and conservative leaders assembled for a closed-door meeting with Donald Trump Tuesday, ready to size up the presumptive GOP nominee and his commitment to issues of concern to faith-based voters.

Originally planned as a private gathering of 400 social conservatives, "A Conversation About America's Future with Donald Trump" was organized by the Christian groups United in Purpose and My Faith Votes.

Attendees of the invitation-only event were treated to a mixed bag of answers from Trump and came away with varied reactions.

The event drew some 50,000 questions for Trump on topics such as religious freedom, homosexuality, abortion and Supreme Court appointees, submitted to organizers in advance.

"Religious leaders heard responses to their liking from Trump in the areas of religious freedom and potential Supreme Court appointments, but some expressed concern afterwards that he didn't say enough on the life issue, and appeared to skirt other matters, including directly addressing threats to religious liberty via the advance of the gay rights agenda," LifeSiteNews reports.

"This is the beginning of the conversation. Not the end," Tony Perkins of the Farmily Research Council said, according to LifeSiteNews.

"Immediately after the meeting the Trump campaign announced a new evangelical executive advisory board, who will also lead a larger faith and cultural advisory committee, to be announced later in the month," LifeSiteNews reports.

"While it remains to be seen whether evangelicals and other Christians will get behind the Trump candidacy," LifeSiteNews concludes its report, "the consensus at the end of the day was that Christians must unite and mobilize to exercise their substantive voting bloc, and conversations between them and Trump would continue over the months leading up to the election."