Trump Endorses Rep. Renee Ellmers, Who Led Revolt Against Pro-Life Law
"Donald Trump has made his first endorsement since becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, backing Rep. Renee Ellmers, the North Carolina congresswoman who led a revolt to scuttle the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in 2015," Ben Johnson reports at LifeSiteNews.
"Ellmers is facing a tough primary challenge from fellow incumbent Rep. George Holding and numerous other pro-life conservatives [today]," Johnson writes.
In a robocall Trump reportedly states: "Boy is she a fighter . . . . I need her help in Washington so we can work together to defeat ISIS, secure our border, and bring back jobs and frankly so many other things. And Renee knows how to do it. She gets it."
Trump's endorsement of Elmers is "just another disappointment from Mr. Trump and his campaign," states president of Students for Life of America Kristan Hawkins, LifeSite reports. "Either his endorsement shows a lack of understanding of our human rights movement or a lack of caring."