Transfascism: Your Daughter Must Pee Next to a Man, and You Will Be Compelled to Agree
Ben Shapiro writes at Conservative Review:
The rules of bigotry according to the left represent a constantly shifting kaleidoscope of nonsense.
This week, we learned that if you don't want your small daughter peeing next to a giant man who thinks he is a woman, you are a bigot; if you are a woman who is uncomfortable with a man who thinks he is a woman whipping out his male genitalia to urinate in front of you, you are a bigot; if you are a religious person who doesn't want to participate in an activity you consider sinful, you are a bigot.
At the heart of this insanity is not bigotry but fascism -- the attempt by extremist secularists to use the absolutized idol of government to impose their relativistic will and aberrant desires upon the people of the United States.
The word "bigotry" does have meaning. But unfortunately for rainbow fascists, that meaning can be understood and sustained only where there is a sufficient basis for ethical moral norms that apply across the human condition.
You have that basis in the founding, liberating, and humane vision set forth in the Declaration of Indepdendence, which wisely roots unalienable human rights in a verifiable, transcendant Creator (not the immanent state) who has given rules for freedom.
Very sadly, however, those gripped by transfascism absolutely hate and despise that vision -- and therefore reject the very basis upon which to defy sin and death, alienation and decay.
Nothing but pain and suffering, tears and confusion, hatred and destruction, follow in the wake of this regressive extremism.
Those who hate the rules of freedom necessarily love the rule of bigotry. The transfascist bigot with no basis for love is consummed by a self-inflicted hatred that he, she, or it will never understand.
Insanity over against the basic biological facts of life regarding male and female is but the eve of destruction. And as night follows day, if sanity be not restored, there will be blood. In bathrooms and in streets there will be blood. Watch the evening news as the body politic bleeds out.
Intelligence coupled with humanity revolts.
The Revolt of Intelligence Against "Marriage Equality"