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Friday, January 22, 2016

Spiritual Terror: The Cologne Cathedral and the Weakness of Germany

By Rick Pearcey • January 22, 2016, 08:41 AM

Stephen Brown writes at Frontpagemag.com:

Besides acts of sexual and religious terrorism meant to break down German society, the attacks against the women and the cathedral were also a show of Islamic power. Women and religious minorities can be terrorised by Muslim mobs just like in Islamic countries. Their reach is growing.

But perhaps the most important message the New Year’s Eve events were meant to convey was directed at Muslims living in Germany and the Islamic world. And the message is that Germany cannot protect either its women or its religion. It is weak.

"In fact," Brown writes, "German Christians are so feeble that one of their greatest cathedrals suffered a humiliating attack during a religious service, presided over by one of Germany’s highest churchmen, without consequences.

"And by [Muslim mobs] publicly molesting such large numbers of infidel women so boldly and brazenly without retaliation, German men are shown as equally weak."

Read more.