Insane "Asylum": Horrifying Details Emerge of "Migrant" Cologne Attacks
Carol Brown writes at American Thinker:
Information continues to emerge on the war zone that erupted in Cologne, Germany, on New Year's eve when thousands of imports from Islamic lands threw bottles and fireworks into crowds and at the police, molested, raped, attacked, robbed, knifed, spit, defecated, urinated, vomited, ranted and raved as they turned an area of a beautiful city into a site of utter barbarism. (Other cities in Germany experienced similar violence on New Year's eve which is only now beginning to be reported.) . . .
One police officer said he hadn't seen anything like it in nearly 30 years and was struck by the high number of migrants and level of disrespect toward police officers. (Medical teams working that night confirmed the mob was comprised of "asylum seekers" and victims also corroborated that perpetrators were "migrants.")