Breaking From the U.S., the U.K. Condemns the Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Group
From Steve Emerson and Pete Hoekstra at National Review:
We use the word "startling" not because this is news but because, in such a politically correct world, it took guts for a world leader to acknowledge the obvious about a movement that purports to represent more than a billion people. If anyone at all -- in particular our own president, former secretary of state, and high priesthood of political correctness, the New York Times -- had simply bothered to read the Brotherhood’s own words, they would have inescapably reached the same conclusion.
"America is accustomed to its role as the Shining City on that Hill," Emerson and Hoekstra conclude. "In the past seven years, however, it has receded to being a mole hiding under a rock and waiting for an attack. We have only ourselves to blame. We need to remove from power those whose blind ideology placed the American people in such a vulnerable position."