I am happy to announce that The Pearcey Report editor at large and Houston Baptist University Professof of Apologetics Nancy Pearcey is writing a new book for publisher David C. Cook. The new book will address life and sexuality issues and is the second volume of the two-book contract that she signed with the Colorado publisher.
The book will be based on plenary addresses Nancy has delivered in several venues, including L’Abri, Denver Seminary, New Orleans Baptist Seminary, Apologetics Canada, Southern Adventist University, Southern Evangelical Seminary, Evangelical Ministries to New Religions, and Igreja Batista da Lagoinha, reputed to be the largest church in South America.
Nancy has has also published on the subject of human sexuality in the Christian Post, and in national media outlets such as The Daily Caller ("CPAC, Homosexuality, and the Crack-Up of Conservatism) and The American Thinker ("Facts, Values, and the Redefinition of "Marriage").
She delivered the annual lecture for Denver Seminary's Gordon Lewis Center, speaking Oct. 2, 2015, on "Finding Truth: How the Bible Teaches Critical Thinking." For a luncheon the following day, she addressed to topic of "Arguing for Sexual Truth in a Secular Age." That evening she spoke at Horizon Christian Fellowship in Denver.
In addition, The Pearcey Report editor at large published two articles on John Piper’s website, Desiring God, each of which attracted several thousand hits: "One Strategy to Rule Them All: How to Answer Skeptics from Romans 1" (published Aug. 30) and "The Bait-and-Switch over Same-Sex 'Marriage'" (published Oct. 1).
In media, Pearcey was invited to appear on Breitbart News (Sept. 26) during the recent Values Voter Summit broadcast, and on various Christian programs: Gino Geraci on Crosswalk, John Clemens on the Clemens Report, David Wheaton on The Christian Worldview, and a podcast interview with Michael Easley, former president of Moody Bible Institute.
Nancy did print interviews that appeared in Apologetics for Parents and in ByFaith, in both the online and the print versions, which was titled "Man -- the Master Idol Maker: Pearcey Shares Principles from Romans 1." ByFaith is the "online magazine of the Presbyterian Church in America."
It was last March that Nancy published her new book, Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism & Other God Substitutes. The book was endorsed by leading Christian philosophers and apologists, including J.P. Moreland, Doug Groothuis, and Paul Copan; by popular apologists Lee Strobel, Ravi Zacharias, Greg Koukl, J. Warner Wallace, and Sean McDowell; by writers and artists such as John Erickson (Hank the Cowdog) and Doug TenNapel (Veggie Tales), and even entertainer Phil Robertson (Duck Dynasty).
Publicity for the book has included some 50 media interviews, including radio interviews on the Janet Parshall Show, the Janet Mefford Show, the Frank Sontag Show, Stand to Reason, Campus Crusade (Cru), American Family Radio, and Family Talk hosted by Meg Meeker and Ryan Dobson. Print interviews have appeared in World magazine, the Christian Post (Napp Nazworth), Jonathan Merritt’s On Faith & Culture, ByFaith, the Gospel Coalition, and HBU's The Pillars.
Nancy was featured in a cover story in Today’s Christian Living and over the past months was invited to give plenary talks on Finding Truth at several conferences, including Faith & Law (an organization of Capitol staffers in Washington, D.C.), Apologetics Canada, the Newport Foundation, New St. Andrews College, and the Association of Christian Classical Schools. She also addressed the apologetics class at Second Baptist Church in Houston.
Reviews of Finding Truth have appeared, among other places, in Patheos, Challies.com, and Christianity Today.
The apologetics organization Stand to Reason has led reading groups on Finding Truth, a Ratio Christi group has led a women's group through the book, churches report using it in their youth groups, a businessmen's group in Atlanta is currently studying the book, and Christian school teachers have contacted Nancy about using the book in their classes.
For additional information on Nancy and her work, please see the official Nancy Pearcey website.