Walter E. Williams: Academic Fascism
Walter Williams writes in a column published today:
From the Nazis to the Stalinists, tyrants have always started out supporting free speech, and why is easy to understand.
Speech is vital for the realization of their goals of command, control and confiscation. Free speech is a basic tool for indoctrination, propagandizing, proselytization. Once the leftists gain control, as they have at many universities, free speech becomes a liability and must be suppressed. This is increasingly the case on university campuses.
Williams supports his thesis with examles from the University of California, Harvard, Oberlin College, Vassar, Azusa Pacific, and Brandeis University and then writes:
Western values of liberty are under ruthless attack by the academic elite on college campuses across America. These people want to replace personal liberty with government control; they want to replace equality before the law with entitlement. As such, they pose a far greater threat to our way of life than any terrorist organization or rogue nation. Leftist ideas are a cancer on our society.
"Ironically," Williams concludes, "we not only are timid in response, but also nourish those ideas with our tax dollars and charitable donations."
There is no humane reason to support this kind of oppressive agenda that poses as liberation but ends in unfreedom. Far better to "test everything."