Ben Carson on Planned Parenthood: "Same People Who Say It's a Meaningless Clump of Cells Are Trying to Get Livers"
Craig Millward reports at
At a rally to defund Planned Parenthood on Capitol Hill Tuesday, GOP presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson criticized Planned Parenthood, calling it "hypocritical" that "these same people who say that it's a meaningless clump of cells are trying to get livers and lungs and kidneys."
"Well isn't it funny that these same people who say that it's a meaningless clump of cells are trying to get livers and lungs and kidneys, because how could you have such organs from a meaningless clump of cells," Carson said, according to CNSNews.
"Carson was speaking at a rally organized by Women Betrayed, a project of Students for Life of America and Pro-Life Future, to call for an investigation into Planned Parenthood as well as defunding them. The Capitol Hill rally was one of more than 60 rallies across the nation organized by Women Betrayed," CNS reports.
"I think we have gradually slid in terms of our morals to a point where we don't really care about the killing of human beings," Carson is quoted as saying.
"That is the bad news. The good news is that I think we are changing, and I think things like this are starting to change us a lot. There are actually more people now who identify as pro-life than people who identify as pro-death, and we are capable of changing.
"There was a time in this country when people thought it was okay to own other people, and they thought they could do anything they want with them, because they belong to me. I can beat them, I can kill them, I can do whatever I want to do to them, and we fortunately, as a society matured and began to think about what the words of our Declaration of Independence and the words of our Constitution actually meant," Carson said, according to CNSNews.
"Well those words are meaningful today too," Carson explained, "because they talk about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well guess what. There can be no liberty and pursuit of happiness if there is no life."
Read more here.
Remove Our Names: Corporate Donors Flee Sickening Planned Parenthood -- Coca Cola, Ford, Xerox
Kirsten Powers: Time to Crush Planned Parenthood, by J. Richard Pearcey
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