When Abortion Icon Margaret Sanger Spoke to the KKK
Paul Kengor writes at American Spectator:
Sanger did not unwittingly speak to a group with a link (direct or indirect) to the KKK through a member. No, Margaret knowingly went directly to the Real McCoy -- straight to the dragon’s mouth. In May 1926, a hopeful spring day, this progressive icon, this liberal hero, this founding mother of one of liberalism’s most sacred organizations, Planned Parenthood, an organization that liberals demand we fund with tax dollars, went directly to a KKK meeting and spoke at length to the faithful.
There’s no excuse for not knowing that Sanger did this, other than the routine self-censorship and self-imposed ignorance that liberals excel at imposing on themselves. Sanger openly wrote about in her 1938 autobiography published by W.W. Norton, one of the leading New York publishing houses.
"Sanger relayed little of what she shared with the klanswomen at their rally, though apparently she was extremely successful and satisfied with herself: 'I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered. The conversation went on and on, and when we were finally through it was too late to return to New York'," Kengor writes.
"The Planned Parenthood founder’s KKK talk was apparently a smash hit. Not only did it go very late, after a very long wait, but no less than 'a dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered'," Kengor observes.
Go here to read the entire article "Reflections on Roe: When Margaret Sanger Spoke to the KKK."