Judge: Tenn. Ban on Homosex "Marriage" Is Constitutional
Michael Gryboski reports at Christian Post:
A judge has ruled that Tennessee's constitutional amendment banning legal recognition of same-sex marriage is legal, breaking a streak of judicial losses for the traditional marriage side.
Circuit Court Judge Russell E. Simmons Jr. ruled last week against the claim that the state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
"In 2006, Tennessee was one of multiple states in the U.S. to have a majority of voters approve a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage," Gryboski writes. "Known as Amendment 1, the ballot initiative passed overwhelmingly with 81 percent of voters in favor. In the same election cycle, Virginia, Wisconsin, South Dakota, South Carolina, Idaho and Colorado approved similar bans."
This win for marriage against its counterfeits is to be applauded. Tennesseans are right to protect marriage and family life, and judges who stand against homosexualist extremism are to be commended.
The U.S. Constitution was drawn up and ratified to apply to governance and society the principles of freedom as set forth in the Declaration of Independence.
That Declaration, as every schoolboy and schoolgirl ought to know, understands human freedom and dignity as rooted in unalienable rights from the Creator, who, it turns out, is also the same origin for the remarkable and liberating center of civil society known as marriage and family.
The protection of marriage -- in Tennessee and elsewhere -- is the protection of human freedom and dignity against the ravages and discriminations of many kinds of barbarism, including that of the current faddish, but false and extremist, homosexualist movement.
The Revolt of Intelligence Against "Marriage Equality"