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Friday, March 28, 2014

World Vision Homosex "Marriage" Fiasco: Is an Apology Enough?

By Rick Pearcey • March 28, 2014, 09:09 AM

Here are a few responses to World Vision's reversal of its "decision to hire 'married' homosexuals."

In "World Vision Withdraws From the Brink," Mark Tooley at American Spectator writes, "Kudos to World Vision for relatively quickly rediscovering its doctrinal and intestinal fortitude. . . . Groups like World Vision will need double doses of such warming fortitude in the cold, secularist Winter ahead."

Not so fast, writes Bryan Fischer in an article titled "An Apology Is Not Enough -- World Vision Needs to Clean House," published at BarbWire. "This is not the end of testing for World Vision but the beginning," Fischer writes. "They had better make sure they have leaders who are up to the task. Right now, they don’t."

Also, I stated on Facebook: "The mere fact that World Vision has people in leadership anywhere close to thinking in this manner raises significant questions about the group's understanding, ethos, staffing, and direction."

In addition:

Whether with prodigals or with organizations, forgiveness and long-suffering are always in order. Legitimate concerns about forgiveness, etc., are issues separate from what should or should not happen structurally at a place such as World Vision in the aftermath of such a debacle.

As for "guts" and "showing fidelity," etc., there are other explanations that account for their quick reversal. The threat of massive donor pullout, for example. . . .

I, for one, would prefer a leadership who have demonstrated an understanding that the Lordship of Christ applies holistically across all of life -- to content and to methods.

Being clueless about the issue of marriage in the face of today's cultural breakdown is stunning, to say the least.

"A loss of funding may be the least of the organization's problems," I concluded earlier in Pro-Existence.

Nancy Pearcey: Who Respects the Human Body? Not Homosexuals
The Revolt of Intelligence Against "Marriage Equality"
Boycott: Evangelicals Blast World Vision Decision to Hire People in Homosex "Marriages"