American Humanist Association Demands Students Stop Feeding Starving Kids
Todd Starnes writes:
Stop feeding starving children, or else!
The American Humanist Association [AHA] sent that message to a school in Robbinsdale, Minn., accusing them of violating the U.S. Constitution by allowing students to participate in a community service project at a church that involved preparing meals for impoverished children in Haiti.
The humanists got their britches in a bunch after the family of a student at the School of Engineering and Arts objected to the project being held at Calvary Lutheran Church.
"The school has clearly violated the Establishment Clause,” Starnes quotes AHA attorney Monica Miller as writing in a "threatening letter to the school and district officials."
According to Starnes, the lawyer wrote, "By sending public school children under your authority to a religious environment -- to work with a religious organization that is on a religious mission -- is a violating of the First Amendment principle of church-state separation."
Sorry, but this use of the First Amendment is humanist horse-hockey. Utter propaganda.
Nowhere does the U.S. Constitution forbid schools and churches from working together to help others in the name of Jesus.
Nowhere does the U.S. Constitution forbid even individual states from establishing their own denominational state church, should the good citizens, say, of Minnesota, decide on such a course of action.
And nowhere in the U.S. Constitution can you find the phrase "church-state separation."
What the Constitution forbids is the federal government ("Congress shall make no law . . .") from sticking its intrusive nose into the choices that a free people under God decide to make as they seek to live lovingly and truthfully in community with God and their fellow man, their neighbors, their communities. Even if those neighbors live in communities in places such as Haiti.
What is forbidden is the establishment of a national Christian state denominational church, so that there is not a monopoly of ecclesiastical and governmental power wielded by, say, the Baptists or Anglicans in unity with the political power structure of the day.
That would be too much power consolidated into the hands of too few people. It's the sort of thing that a free-thinking people do well to attend to if they would learn the lessons of history.
What is the point of the Constitution? To set up a form of government that enfleshes and protects the rules of freedom as set forth in the Declaration of Independence.
And what is at the heart of human freedom and dignity in the Delcaration? None other than the Creator. Not as a private feeling, but as public truth.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
This is not the Creator "religiously" domesticated, as some propagandists seem to envision -- that is, some kind of fairy-tale figure locked away safe and sound inside church walls and prayer closets.
No. This Creator is a public figure. This Creator is pro-verification, pro-evidence, and pro-reason, and this Creator expects human beings created in his image to apply the principles of human freedom and dignity across all of life.
Humanists are trying to impose their propaganda and ahistorical secular superstitions upon the American people. They are trying to consolidate all power under the control of a religiously secular state, with its freedom-denying tentacles choking every aspect of our daily lives.
The result is not enlightenment, but darkness. Not humanness, but inhumanity.
"This is a new low even for humanists," Starnes concludes. "It takes a special kind of godless thuggery to take food out of the mouths of starving children."
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