Ann Coulter: GOP May Be "Fringe Party in About a Decade"
Coulter writes:
Citing surveys from the Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, Schlafly’s report overwhelmingly demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigration policies spells doom for the Republican Party. . . .
Consider the following issues (quoting Coulter):
Proud to be an American? "According to a Harris poll, 81 percent of native-born citizens think the schools should teach students to be proud of being American. Only 50 percent of naturalized U.S. citizens do."
Constitution vs. International Law: "While 67 percent of native-born Americans believe our Constitution is a higher legal authority than international law, only 37 percent of naturalized citizens agree."
Obamacare: "According the 2012 National Asian American Survey, as well as a Kaiser Foundation poll, only 40 percent of the general public holds a favorable opinion of Obamacare, 42 percent unfavorable. Meanwhile, 51 percent of Asians have a favorable opinion of Obamacare, 18 percent an unfavorable one. Even Koreans support Obamacare by 57 percent to 17 percent."
Capitalism: "A Pew Research Center poll of all Hispanics, immigrant and citizen alike, found that Hispanics take a dimmer view of capitalism than even people who describe themselves as 'liberal Democrats.' While 47 percent of self-described 'liberal Democrats' hold a negative view of capitalism, 55 percent of Hispanics do."
Gun Rights: "Pew also found that only 27 percent of Hispanics support gun rights, compared to 57 percent of non-Hispanic whites. According to Latino Decisions, large majorities of Hispanics favor a national database of gun owners, limiting the capacity of magazines and a ban on semiautomatic weapons."
Big Government: "Seventy-five percent of Hispanic immigrants and 55 percent of Asian immigrants support bigger government -- also according to Pew. Even after three generations in America, Hispanics still support bigger government 55 percent to 36 percent, compared to the general public, which opposes bigger government 48 percent to 41 percent."
"Immigrants -- all immigrants -- have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party," Coulter writes. "For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they’re coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.)
"This is not a secret," Coulter continues. "For at least a century, there’s never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren’t Democrats."
The upshot: "At the current accelerated rate of immigration -- 1.1 million new immigrants every year -- Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade."
If this analysis is correct, more is at stake here than the prospects of a political party. For America herself, as a land of freedom and human dignity, may be stumbling, even crashing, into her sickbed.
Not because of immigrants per se, but because no society can sustain human freedom without a vision of freedom, verified and rooted in reality, that gives an adequate basis for human freedom and dignity.
If there is no rock of freedom, there can be no house of freedom built upon that rock.
The Democrats reject this basis, given their clear and ideological opposition to the rules of freedom as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. Their preachers say, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Washington, and all these things shall be added unto you." But theirs is a kingdom of slavery.
And the Republicans? Their leadership seems clueless, double-minded, and incredibly easy to co-opt. Theirs is a kingdom of confusion ripe for the taking. They would hold onto power. Freedom not so much.
The answer, if one comes, will not come from Washington and certainly not from the current GOP. The answer, if it comes, will come from the people, under God, who having grabbed ahold of the rules of freedom, run with all of their might toward the open spaces and fertile soil of the Promised Land.
It's never to late to discover America again, even America the young, in the brightness of a new day. This doesn't mean easy times are ahead. It does mean there is a way homeward. With a living Creator as the source of unalienable rights, neither death, decay, or unfreedom has the final say.