Mark Steyn: Japanese Rent Cats to Cuddle
The Japanese are living out a dystopia like the one described in P.D. James's novel The Children of Men, which portrays a world where everyone is infertile and no children are being born. Mark Steyn writes:
In Lady James's speculative fiction, pets are doted on as child-substitutes, and churches hold christening ceremonies for cats.
In contemporary Japanese reality, Tokyo has some 40 "cat cafés" where lonely solitary citizens can while away an afternoon by renting a feline to touch and pet for a couple of companiable hours.
In Lady James's speculative fiction, all the unneeded toys are burned, except for the dolls, which childless women seize on as the nearest thing to a baby and wheel through the streets.
In contemporary Japanese reality, toy makers, their children's market dwindling, have instead developed dolls for seniors to be the grandchildren they'll never have: You can dress them up, and put them in a baby carriage, and the computer chip in the back has several dozen phrases of the kind a real grandchild might use to enable them to engage in rudimentary social pleasantries.
Mark Steyn describes here how the Japanese are opting out of sex and marriage too.
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