Kentucky-Bribed "Statesman": Mitch McConnell Unmasked
William Sullivan writes at American Thinker:
Anthony Weiner recently lamented that "if the internet didn't exist," he'd be the mayor of New York. In other words, if John Q. Public weren't so privy to the facts, and so readily able to investigate those facts and exchange opinions about them online, politicians could more easily manipulate their political images and determine the outcome of elections.
Likewise, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell is now feeling the stinging disapproval of an informed public that he may not have felt twenty years ago. Like the grand reveal at the end a Scooby-Doo episode, McConnell the "fiscally conservative" Senate leader has been unmasked in the last month's proceedings and identified as what he really is -- a career politician who'd sell his constituents and American taxpayers down the river for a buck (or in this case, a couple billion bucks). And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for meddling Matt Drudge and the like. . . .
[McConnell's] efforts to fund ObamaCare have culminated in what's being described as the "Kentucky Kickback" by the Senate Conservatives Fund. "In exchange for funding ObamaCare and raising the debt limit," the group says, "Mitch McConnell has secured a $2 billion earmark" to a pet project in his home state of Kentucky.
"The lesson is that there is nary a difference between the GOP establishment and tax-and-spend Democrats. If anything, we can and should be more critical of the GOP for betraying the conservative principles they advocated to get elected in the first place," Sullivan writes.
"To believe that McConnell had nothing to do with this kickback takes a leap of faith and a disregard of all political logic," Sullivan concludes. "But he has reached the end of his tether in terms of credibility, and conservatives rightfully despise his actions over these last few weeks. They have exposed him, and as such, I predict he will be toppled from his lofty position in 2014. Which may, for the good of all American taxpayers, signal a changing of the guard in the GOP."
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