To the Barrycades! Obama Overplays His Shutdown Hand
The Obama administration's decision to barricade the open-air and otherwise unguarded World War II memorial is just the latest sign that the president will do anything to get his way. Is the public finally getting wise?
Anyone who's ever visited Washington, D.C., knows that while the National Mall is technically a federally owned park, it can't be closed. There are no fences around its 309 acres. No entrances. No guard posts. Just wide open spaces dotted with monuments and museums. There's the Washington Monument, which requires a guide to get to the top. But that's closed for repairs.
So the administration decided instead to put barricades around various other popular open-air Mall monuments to score political points in the budget shutdown standoff. That required, in turn, posting freshly printed signs explaining why they're off limits, and a police presence to guard the barricades.
"This isn't the first time Obama has purposefully hurt Americans to gain leverage in a political fight," notes IBD.
"During the sequester battle earlier this year, he warned that the flyspeck budget cuts would force the administration to lay off flight controllers and border agents, turn criminals loose and deny families child care. It would, Obama said, be 'a huge blow to middle-class families.' To drive the point home, he canceled White House tours."
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