House Defunds Obamacare, Keeps Federal Government Open
A Bloomberg news story at Newsmax reports:
The U.S. House voted to finance the federal government through mid-December and choke off funding for President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, setting up a showdown with the Senate and the White House. . . .
The Senate is expected to start considering the legislation on Sept. 23 with [a] goal of finishing by Sept. 26.
From the Washington Times:
"The American people don’t want the government shut down, and they don’t want Obamacare," said House Speaker John A. Boehner, who rallied with fellow Republicans after the vote in a show of unity that seemed designed to quell speculation about a rebellion within the House Republican Conference.
Meanwhile, a Democrat offers death wishes to the children of a Cruz staffer: "Allan Brauer, the communications chair for the Democratic Party of Sacramento, Calif., told [Amanda Carpenter] an aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Tex.), on Friday that he hoped her children 'die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases'." After additional vicious Tweets, Brauer apologized.
Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the House vote is a "waste of time."
GOP Sen. Ted Cruz released a statement: "The fight to save America from Obamacare is just beginning -- it may well go back and forth from the House and Senate several times -- and a united Republican front means that Harry Reid and the President cannot ignore the American people."