Major Papers Reject Pro-Life Ad – Image of Baby "Too Controversial"
At LifeSiteNews:
A national pro-life organization is outraged after three major American newspapers rejected a pro-life ad as "too controversial."
The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, and the LA Times refused to run an advertisement created by Heroic Media.
The ad features a hand holding a 20- to 24-week-old baby with the quote, "This child has no voice, which is why it depends on yours. Speak Up."
Heroic Media Executive Director Joe Young said he was shocked and angered that the media outlets were willing to talk about the issue but were unwilling to show the reality of life at 20 weeks.
"I am disturbed that these papers would run article after article promoting the notion that abortion is a victimless act without consequences," Young is quoted as saying. "The fact remains, children who are unique individuals -- never again to be duplicated -- are being killed in the most violent way imaginable and they feel the excruciating pain of that death."
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