Christian-Based Program Forms as Alternative to Intolerant Boy Scouts
Andrea Billups reports at Newsmax:
A coalition of youth groups is creating a national organization for boys as an alternative to the Boy Scouts of America, following the Boy Scouts' decision to allow openly gay members to join, the Washington Examiner reported.
The new organization will officially launch on Jan. 1, 2014, but will begin chartering new units around the country in November, according to a statement released Tuesday by the as-yet-unnamed group's interim executive director, Rob Green of Spartanburg, S.C.
Now that the Boy Scouts have caved to homosexualist hatred against the "laws of nature and of nature's God," and thereby now embrace discrimination against the verifiable Creator's norms for liberating human sexuality, marriage, and family living, courageous folks are stepping up provide a positive, life-affirming alternative.
Human beings are called to excellence in every area of life, and it is terrific to see people reject apathy and instead create new alternatives to the relativism and pretended absolutes that homosexualists are trying to impose upon society. Intelligence revolts.
Memo to Supreme Court: Who Respects the Human Body? Not Homosexuals
Memo to Conservatives: Accepting Homosex "Marriage" Opens Door to "Unlimited Statism"
Pro-Same-Sex "Marriage" Lesbian: "Institution of Marriage Should Not Exist"