Report: MSNBC Host Touré Founded "Militant Anti-White Student Newspaper"
Erica Ritz reports at The Blaze:
MSNBC host Touré, a writer and "cultural critic," has recently been in the news for attacking Dr. Benjamin Carson, the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Having insulted black Rush Limbaugh fans in the past, Touré said Dr. Carson’s "un-serious" ideas are tolerated on the right only because he can be held up as a token black friend.
Now, a recent report by the Daily Caller suggests the television host has long seen the world through a racial lens.
"MSNBC host Touré founded a student newspaper dedicated to black liberation theology while he was a college student attending Emory University from 1989 to 1992," The Daily Caller claims. "Touré’s flagship publication, The Fire This Time, lavished praise on famous anti-Semites, black supremacists, and conspiracy theorists whom Touré helped bring to campus. Before he became an intense-but-sardonic TV personality, Touré also decried 'the suffocating white community' and defended a nationally famous fake hate crime."
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