Pro-Homosex "Marriage" AAP Doesn’t Speak for all Pediatricians
Peter Sprigg writes at the FRC blog:
The media has jumped on a new "Policy Statement" issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) which endorses the redefinition of marriage, arguing, 'Scientific evidence affirms that children . . . receive similar parenting whether they are raised by parents of the same or different genders.'
This is a highly misleading claim, especially in light of the research published last year by University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus -- the most methodologically-sound research on the subject ever done, using a large and representative population-based sample -- which showed children whose parents had a homosexual relationship suffered numerous disadvantages compared with children raised by their married, biological mother and father.
"In any case," Sprigg continues, "it is unclear whether the 'Policy Statement' [accurately] represents the views of any more pediatricians than the two lead authors and the six members of the AAP’s 'Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health'."
"It is certain," Sprigg says, "that they do not speak for all pediatricians -- as indicated by the press release . . . issued today by an alternative group, the American College of Pediatricians."
Here is the press release from the American College of Pediatricians:
Gainesville, Florida (March 21, 2013) -- The American College of Pediatricians reaffirms that the intact, functional family consisting of a married (female) mother and (male) father provides the best opportunity for children. The College, therefore, disputes the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) claim that supporting same-sex unions promotes the "well-being of children."
In its newly released statement, "Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian," the AAP ignores important research on risks to children in favor of the wants of adults.
"The College does not support the alteration of this time-honored and proven standard to conform to pressures from 'politically correct' groups. No one concerned with the well-being of children can reasonably ignore the evidence for maintaining the current standard, nor can they or we ignore the equally strong evidence that harm to children can result if the current standards are rejected," says Den Trumbull, MD, President of the American College of Pediatricians.
"The AAP ignores generations of evidence of health risks to children in advocating for the legality and legitimacy of same-sex marriage and child-rearing."
As I have shown in "The Revolt of Intelligence Against 'Marriage Equality'," the openly admitted trajectory of the homosexualist push for "equality" in marriage is not marriage at all, but rather "'marriage equality' becomes 'marriage elasticity,' with the ultimate goal of 'marriage extinction'."
Or as one lesbian journalist put it last summer while speaking at a conference, "The institution of marriage should not exist."
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