David Limbaugh Now "Wondering About Long-Term Viability" of Republican Party
Limbaugh writes:
The Republican Party must remain the party of mainstream Reagan conservatism rather than try to become a diluted version of the Democratic Party.
This does not mean Republicans can't come up with creative policy solutions when advisable, but it does mean that conservatism is based on timeless principles that require no major revisions.
Conservatives are champions of freedom, the rule of law and enforcement of the social compact between government and the people enshrined in the Constitution, which imposes limitations on government in order to maximize our liberties.
If we reject these ideas, then we have turned our backs on what America means and what has made America unique. What's the point of winning elections if the price is American exceptionalism?
Limbaugh cautions particularly against the "movement inside the Republican Party to abandon social conservatism."
That is "nothing short of a political death wish," he concludes. "Denying it will not alter the reality."
My view: The current GOP, under Republican establishment leadership, is in a death spiral. It may be a drawn-out death spiral, but it is a death spiral nevertheless.
Unfortunately, this same leadership appears to lack the perspective needed to know it is in the midst of a swirling downward turn. Their pragmatism is divorced from the rules of liberty and therefore is not working -- if the goal of the GOP is to move forward on the basis of Declaration ideals and content.
Should the GOP die (which is not inconsistent with the continuation of a party apparatus), the last person to know the GOP is dead may be House Speaker John Boehner.
It is quite possible he and his team do not know, and may never know, what is hitting every day right between the eyes. This does not mean they are bad people; it suggests, however, they do not understand the present struggle.
As a matter of prudence, I recommend groups and individuals knowingly committed to the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, a) to gameplan how the forces of liberty can rescue the GOP from itself -- with very significant progress in this before the mid-term elections, and then with steady, increasing progress after that; and b) to gameplan, at the same time, in case of the imminent collapse of the GOP, the formation of a new party and new coalition to articulate, defend, and advance to rule of freedom in America -- all of this resting firmly upon the vision for freedom expressed in the Declaration of Independence. A house, party, or nation divided cannot stand.
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