Texas Preps for Going It Alone
Bob Unruh reports at WND:
Texas was its own nation before joining the United States, and many jokes have been made about some Texans still not recognizing that "other government" with which it now is affiliated.
But lawmakers there are drawing attention by considering a law that would have Texas review how it would respond should the U.S. government no longer be there to send federal tax revenue back to the state.
According to WND, "The proposal would set up a committee to study what the state gets from Washington, 'the effects on the state budget if federal fiscal policy necessitates a significant reduction in or elimination of federal funding' and 'a plan to address the loss of federal money'."
"The plan, HB 568, has been introduced by Rep. James White, who said in a statement [the] Texas Self-Sufficiency Act 'creates a select committee to evaluate the effects of a possible reduction in or elimination of federal funding on the state budget due to federal fiscal policy'."
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