Spying on School Kids
From the Washington Times:
School districts in Texas are using tracking chips to spy on students. That’s just fine with a federal judge who ruled Tuesday against Andrea Hernandez, a 15-year-old high school sophomore in San Antonio.
With the help of the Rutherford Institute, Miss Hernandez and her father filed a lawsuit arguing the creepy “student locator project” violated her constitutional rights.
"Like a growing number of institutions around the country, Northside Independent School District forces students to wear photo identification cards around their necks at all times," notes the Times. "Cameras also watch the every move of pupils as they roam the halls and use the playgrounds."
There's more. "The high school Miss Hernandez attends took the logical next step by requiring students to carry 'Smart IDs' with radio frequency identification chips (RFID) that enable administrators to pinpoint each child’s whereabouts in real time," the Times continues.
What's at stake? The Times reports that, "according to court documents, school officials implemented the program 'to further increase the safety of its students and hopefully increase State funding.'"
Safety? "Having school administrators monitor students at all hours won’t make them any safer," the Times counters. "In fact, it was a school board member who took the lives of 38 elementary students in Bath Township, Mich. in a horrific mass murder 86 years ago."
The Times suggests a truer motivation: "That state and federal officials love to blow taxpayer cash on gimmicks pushed by lobbyists regardless of whether they enhance learning. In this case, the school district hoped to pocket $1.7 million in state funding by embracing Big Brother."
It's an intriguing phenomenon: The increasingly secularized public school system has no room for the Creator -- who happens to be the source of unalienable human rights (see the Declaration) -- but welcomes with open arms the intimate impositions of Big Brother.
This steamrolling intimacy is an attack on the individual and the uniqueness and freedom of the person. Andrea Hernandez and family are humans and therefore are right to resist.
They are endowed by a knowable and verifiable Creator "with certain unalienable Rights," and among these rights are "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
In contrast, when Big Brother spies on you, no one is safe -- most of all, from Big Brother. But when the individual is the apple of the Creator's eye, all are set free.
In a broken world, this will not lead to perfection. But it will lead away from the "safety" of spying and micro-control wherein schools resemble education camps that honor submission over minds that are free.
Maybe this is what, in the end, really concerns Big Brother and his demanding disciples: The person properly in revolt exposes the idolatry and mental barbed wire of Big Brother, and that terrifies him.
The neighbors might see. They might remember who they are. That could ruin everything.
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