Mark Levin on Obama Gun Action: "This Is 1930s Stuff"
Jeff Poor reports at The Daily Caller:
On Wednesday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” conservative talk show host Mark Levin said President Barack Obama’s executive actions to curb gun violence, which were announced during a Wednesday press event, are as “un-American” and “fascistic” as they are unhelpful. . . .
“There are certain things in his executive orders that are un-American. In some ways they are fascistic. Doctors are private citizens. Do we really want doctors reporting to the federal government if they think somebody might have violent tendencies? . . .
“I think there are a couple things in it that are poison pills," Levin continued, "the attempt to nationalize the medical profession and to have doctors reporting their clients to the federal government, this is 1930s stuff."
Levin also blasted Obama's call for a "national database where all innocent law-biding citizens that buy guns are in a database. Can I ask you a question -- what does that do? I can understand a national database of criminals. Why do you need a national database of Americans that own guns? What is that for?”
Fascism Is Back
Prof. Ellis Washington on "Nazi Roots of Gun Control Laws"