Hobby Lobby Won't Drop Christianity Over Extremist Abortion Drugs
CBN News reports:
The owners of Hobby Lobby say they must remain true to their faith, despite the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to block the Obamacare contraception mandate. . . .
"The company will continue to provide health insurance to all qualified employees," attorney Kyle Duncan said in a statement posted on Hobby Lobby's website.
"To remain true to their faith, it is not their intention, as a company, to pay for abortion-inducing drugs," he said.
The federal government has no constitutional authority to impose anti-life insurance regulations upon any state, person, or business. Or to threaten Hobby Lobby with fines of more than $1 million a day for refusing to submit to Obama's state-imposed religion of secularism.
Not only is this action imperialistic and immoral, it's not even Washington's job. We the People hire them to protect life and liberty, not to kill life and liberty. What's the matter with you, Washington?
Nothing could be further from the mainstream U.S. position on the freedom and dignity of the individual -- see the Declaration of Independence -- than that a central power structure would violate its constitutional oath of office to force a company to enable the killing of the unborn.
Obamacare is, therefore, extreme and uncivil. It is inhumane and degrading. It is anti-life, anti-science, and anti-freedom.
Hobby Lobby is standing with the angels on this. And with science (the two are in no way opposed). But Team Obama walks "in the counsel of the wicked." Shame on you, "Christian" Obama.
Why Pro-Abortion Is Anti-Science
Obamacare: Antithetical to the Declaration
Warning: Obamacare Gives Feds "State Police Power"