FYI, Free-Thinkers: 1st Counterfeit "Marriage" at West Point Chapel
Madeleine Morgenstern reports at The Blaze:
The first same-sex wedding ceremony will be held Saturday at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point’s Cadet Chapel, USA Today reported.
Two women, Brenda Sue Fulton and Penelope Dara Gnesin, will exchange vows one year after the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy banning gays from serving openly in the military came to an end.
Here's what's really happening: In the name of a pseudo-intellectual theory of liberation, the policy called "don't ask, don't tell" has been replaced by a form of oppression and discrimination that demands "don't question, don't speak."
If you are a free-thinker, if you are willing to think outside of the closed-down, closed-in homosexualist box, consider:
Wrapped in the typical liberalist marketing language selling the "sizzle" of "freedom," "equality," and "love" . . . [is in fact] a product loaded with hate, discrimination, and intolerance.
That would be hatred for the rules of freedom (rooted in the Creator [see the Declaration of Independence] who gives both unalienable rights and liberating norms for married love and human sexuality).
That would be discrimination against the wonder of the male-female diversity, oppressing vive la différence with a steamroller of mono-dimensional sameness and flatness (Oh, yeah, "equality").
And that would be intolerance against people who think for themselves and prefer real marriage, real family, and real diversity to pseudo-intellectual counterfeits all gussied up for the county fair in liberaland hickville (imposed by government extremists from Washington).
People who say they are "conservative" should not allow themselves to be duped by the superficial sizzle of "gay" marketing.
Arguing there is a "conservative case for 'gay' marriage" is as sound as arguing there is a conservative case for counterfeit money. You can make it, but only fools bank on it.
As for the GOP, that party needs to realize that human beings do not live by economics alone.
It needs to start thinking, quit reacting, and refrain from allowing marriage-counterfeiters to impose their extremist agenda upon a free people that prefers reality and wholeness over escapism and reactionary pet theories.
Far better, GOP, is to affirm social policy consistent with rules of freedom grounded in reality, instead of submitting to liberty-denying compromises with inflexible counterfeiters who would eat your lunch, not to mention your country. For
. . . a "house-divided cannot stand. The choice is yours -- the rules of freedom vs. the rules for radicals. Choose freedom and you will live. Choose the extreme radicalism . . . and you will not live. Remain a house-divided and you will collapse."
The antithesis is real. Say yes to reality. And throw the well-baited counterfeits of hate, discrimination, and intolerance onto the ash heap of history.
What is true of military struggle is true in society at large: The most deadly assaults always begin from the inside.
Coalition of Black Pastors Targeting Counterfeit Homosex "Marriage"
French Protests: Marriage = One Man + One Woman